Trials in Tainted Space Character Generator (NSFW) (at this point this is more like a nightmare/shitpost machine than a generator tbh) This particular inhabitant of the universe started their life as a genderless half-huskar, though chances are they look completely different now. Trials in Tainted Space takes the gloves off. We've gone from a planet to a galaxy, removing what little restrictions there were in regards to creature design. The first screen of Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is the character creation page with a selection of race options. Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew. Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.26 Changelog. Badger can offer you a job, resulting in a whole new set of interactions with Penny (or the good Doctor herself).

Trials In Tainted Space Armor

  • 1Melee weapons

Melee weapons

Melee Weapons are all the items that can be equipped in the melee weapon slot.

Melee Weapons cannot be used against enemies with the Flyingstatus effect unless Steele:

Trials In Tainted Space Weapons
  • Has Flight capablewings
  • Is wearing a Light Jetpack as an Accessory

Acquirable Melee Weapons

Melee Weapon Stats
Name Physical Damage Lust Damage Detailed Damage Accuracy Crit Bonus Evasion Flags Misc Base Price
Bio Whip 0 3 3 Drug 2 0 0 Bonus Hit Rate 1 Sexiness 800
Bothrioc Rapier 13 0 13 Kinetic 5 5 5 Penetrating 6400
Cavalry Saber 13 0 13 Kinetic 0 6 1 Penetrating 2 Sexiness 3200
Custom Shock Gear 25 0 15 Kinetic
10 Electric
0 6 3 Crushing
Bonus Hit Rate
Energy Weapon
Stun Chance
10 Fortification 340
Dancing Flashblade 36 0 18 Kinetic
14 Electric
8 10 0 Penetrating
Bonus Hit Rate
Energy Weapon
Electrified Shock Blade 13 0 3 Kinetic
10 Electric
1 0 0 Energy Weapon 600
Essyra Greatspear 25 0 25 Kinetic 11 0 0 Penetrating 12800
Frozen Spire 28 0 16 Kinetic
12 Freezing
0 10 0 18000
Glacial Auger 36 0 11 Kinetic
25 Freezing
0 10 0 Penetrating 150000
Hardlight Dagger 17 0 8 Kinetic
9 Burning
0 3 6 Penetrating
Energy Weapon
Jolthammer 26 0 6 Kinetic
20 Electric
-5 5 -3 Crushing
Energy Weapon
Knife 4 0 4 Kinetic 0 0 2 Penetrating 150
Knuckle Busters 28 0 12 Kinetic
16 Burning
0 0 7 Stagger Chance
Energy Weaponry
Lava Saber 19 0 5 Kinetic
14 Burning
0 0 2 Burn DoT Chance
Energy Weapon
Light Savicite Maul 5 5 5 Kinetic
5 Psionic
-3 5 0 Crushing
Stun Chance
Lightning Rod 13 0 7 Kinetic
6 Electric
1 0 4 Crushing
Stun Chance
Energy Weapon
Machete 9 0 9 Kinetic 0 2 0 Penetrating 200
Masterwork Yappi Strap 22 0 22 Kinetic 0 4 0 Crushing 1 Sexiness 10000
Military Pick 21 0 21 Kinetic -2 5 0 Penetrating 3000
Monofilament Saber 20 0 20 Kinetic 0 5 4 Penetrating 13000
Naleen Spear 12 0 12 Kinetic 5 0 0 Bonus Hit rate 600
Nyrean Spear 13 0 13 Kinetic 6 5 5 Penetrating 6500
Petra's Phasic Whip (Mercenary) 30 0 20 Kinetic
10 Electric
5 10 -10 Stun Chance
Energy Weapon
10 Fortification 77000
Petra's Phasic Whip (Smuggler) 30 0 20 Kinetic
10 Electric
5 10 -10 Bonus Hit Rate
Energy Weapon
Petra's Phasic Whip (Tech Specialist) 40 0 20 Kinetic
20 Electric
5 10 -10 Energy Weapon 77000
Plasma Blade 30 0 30 Burning 4 3 0 Burn DoT Chance
Energy Weapon
Plasma Hawk 27 0 12 Kinetic
15 Burning
1 1 0 Burn DoT Chance
Energy Weapon
Predator Talons 21 0 4 Kinetic
17 Burning
0 0 1 Energy Weapon
Burn DoT Chance
Bonus Hit Chance
Raskvel Wrench 13 0 13 Kinetic -2 3 0 Crushing
Stun Chance
Reaper 'AA' Stun Rod 26 0 10 Kinetic
16 Electric
8 8 0 Stun Chance 40000
Rock 0.1 0 0.1 Kinetic 0 0 0 0
Rocket Hammer 14 0 14 Kinetic -3 4 0 Crushing
Stun Chance
Rough Leash 20 0 14 Kinetic
6 Electric
0 10 4 Trip Chance
Greater Draining
Rouser 26 0 10 Kinetic
16 Corrosive
0 2 10 Penetrating 143000
Saurmorian Hammer 35 0 35 Kinetic -7 9 -5 Crushing
Stun Chance
Power Armor
Shortsword 10 0 10 Kinetic 1 0 0 Penetrating 200
Steel Cutlass 9 0 9 Kinetic 3 0 1 Penetrating 1
Survival Axe 18 0 18 Kinetic 0 8 0 Penetrating 3200
Taivra's Spear 20 0 20 Kinetic 5 9 6 Penetrating 19000
Thermal Scalpel 17 0 2 Kinetic
15 Burning
0 5 3 Burn DoT Chance
Energy Weapon
Trick Bracer 10 0 10 Kinetic 0 0 5 Penetrating 20 Bonus Shield
Shield defense 3
Tweaked Jolthammer 27 0 7 Kinetic
20 Electric
-5 10 -3 Crushing
Energy Weapon
Tweaked Lava Saber 19 0 5 Kinetic
14 Burning
0 0 2 Burn DoT Chance
Energy Weapon
15 Bonus Shield 11000
Tweaked Vamp Blade 21 0 7 Kinetic
14 Electric
0 0 0 Greater Draining
Energy Weapon
Vamp Blade 22 0 7 Kinetic
15 Electric
0 0 0 Draining
Energy Weapon
Vanae Spear 12 0 12 Kinetic 12 0 0 Penetrating 1200
Vibrolass 30 0 30 Kinetic 4 0 4 Energy Weapon 35000
Warhammer 12 0 12 Kinetic -4 0 0 Crushing 200
Whip 8 0 8 Kinetic 0 0 0 1 Sexiness 250
Widow's Kiss 17 6 17 Kinetic
6 Tease
0 5 5 Penetrating 3 Sexiness 3200
Yappi Strap 21 0 21 Kinetic -2 8 0 Crushing 1 Sexiness 12800
Zil Champion's Assegai 20 0 20 Kinetic 16 0 0 Penetrating 4700

Unacquirable Melee Weapons

Weapons that can only be obtained through save editing

Melee Weapon Stats
Name Physical Damage Lust Damage Detailed Damage Accuracy Crit Bonus Evasion Flags Misc Base Price
Electrified Shock Staff 30 0 10 Kinetic
20 Electric
10 0 0 Energy Weapon 150
Fists 4 0 4 Kinetic 0 0 0 0
Gooey Psuedopod 4 0 4 Kinetic 0 0 0 Crushing 150
Mechanical Fist 8 0 8 Crushing 1 0 0 Crushing 2 Defense 150
Petra's Phasic Whip 30 0 20 Kinetic
10 Electric
5 10 -10
Energy Weapon
Tonfas 10 0 4 Kinetic
6 Electric
5 0 3 Crushing 150

List of Melee Weapons

Retrieved from ‘’

Trials in Tainted Space Cheats are the best strategy to make the game in a winning position. Several features are available for the player to access, intentional, or otherwise to get the most wanted benefit in the game. The majority of these exploits may have been left in the game through diverse points of growth and are subject to change if and while the game is in expansion.

Trials In Tainted Space Best Ship Weapons


On this page, you can find a list of all the cheats that are known to be best by the developers and are accepted for public release. The table of Trials in Tainted Space cheats given below can be attainable in-game while playing.

This game has lots of cheat codes that you can use to interrupt the game. You can do this in two ways:

Trials In Tainted Space Weapons

First, you can do this by using a keyboard and typing a message directly at any time in the gameplay.

Second, you can do this by accessing a text input box, add and submit the code there. Well, the input box is limited for those users who use virtual, screen prompted keyboards.

Trials in tainted space ship weapons

Trials In Tainted Space Best Weapons

Trials In Tainted Space Weapons

It is highly recommended to use cheat codes on the codex console under options to avoid any sort of unwanted activity such as moving.

Console Commands