
  1. Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod 1.12.2
  2. Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod 1.8
  3. Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod Spawner

Outro: https://soundcloud.com/sappheirosm. Other Internal name m134 (player)mini (NPC) Achievement(s) Mod stats The Vulcan Minigun is a weapon added with The OVERKILL Pack DLC. 1 Overview 2 Summary 3 Tips 4 Available modifications 5 Skins 6 Achievements 7 Trivia 8 Gallery The Vulcan Minigun is a special heavy weapon and physically the largest weapon available in the game. The Vulcan Minigun is a very strange weapon to use when first.

Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod
Oct 9th, 2013
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  1. Copy&Paste this into Script.lua
  2. It is the new version, in which it will not crash when you are done with a day.
  3. -Infinite Saw
  4. -Invincibility
  5. -Infinite Sentry Health
  6. -Infinite Pagers
  7. -All weapons
  8. -Infinite Cables
  9. -No detect ( They will detect you, but will not call police. )
  10. -Infinite Equipment ( Ammo, Doc bags, Sentries, C4, ECM )
  11. Payday 2 Hacks-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. if managers.hud then
  13. managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'Executed script.lua' } )
  14. -- ammo
  15. player:inventory():set_ammo( 1.0 )
  16. if not _fireSaw then
  17. end
  18. function SawWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
  19. _fireSaw( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
  20. if managers.player:player_unit() self._setup.user_unit then
  21. end
  22. --END
  23. for i=1, 7 do
  24. end
  25. -- weapon mods
  26. for mod_id,_ in pairs(tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_mods) do
  27. tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_mods[ mod_id ].unlocked = true
  28. managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory('normal', 'weapon_mods', mod_id, false)
  29. -- Infinite sentry ammo, no recoil, left the weapon spread in because sentries have a tough time killing if they shoot in one spot
  30. function SentryGunWeapon:fire( blanks, expend_ammo )
  31. local fire_obj = self._effect_align[ self._interleaving_fire ]
  32. local direction = fire_obj:rotation():y()
  33. mvector3.spread( direction, tweak_data.weapon[ self._name_id ].SPREAD * self._spread_mul )
  34. World:effect_manager():spawn( self._muzzle_effect_table[ self._interleaving_fire ] ) -- , normal = col_ray.normal } )
  35. World:effect_manager():spawn( self._shell_ejection_effect_table )
  36. local ray_res = self:_fire_raycast( from_pos, direction, blanks )
  37. RaycastWeaponBase._check_alert( self, ray_res.rays, from_pos, direction, self._unit )
  38. return ray_res
  39. -- Sentry god mode
  40. function SentryGunDamage:damage_bullet( attack_data ) end
  41. function GroupAIStateBase:on_successful_alarm_pager_bluff() end
  42. if managers.hud then
  43. end
  44. managers.lootdrop:debug_drop( 1000, true, i )
  45. --END
  46. if not _rmSpecial then
  47. end
  48. function PlayerManager:remove_special( name ) end
  49. function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool() end
  50. function PlayerMovement:on_suspicion( observer_unit, status ) end
  51. function GroupAIStateBase:on_criminal_suspicion_progress( u_suspect, u_observer, status ) end
  52. function GroupAIStateBase:criminal_spotted( unit ) end
  53. function GroupAIStateBase:report_aggression( unit ) end
  54. function PlayerMovement:on_uncovered( enemy_unit ) end
  55. function SecurityCamera:_sound_the_alarm( detected_unit ) end
  56. function SecurityCamera:_set_suspicion_sound( suspicion_level ) end
  57. function SecurityCamera:clbk_call_the_police() end
  58. function CopMovement:anim_clbk_police_called( unit ) end
  59. function CopLogicArrest._upd_enemy_detection( data ) end
  60. function CopLogicArrest._call_the_police( data, my_data, paniced ) end
  61. function CopLogicIdle.on_alert( data, alert_data ) end
  62. function CopLogicBase._get_logic_state_from_reaction( data, reaction )
  63. end
  64. function GroupAIStateBase:sync_event( event_id, blame_id ) end
  65. function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_called( called_reason ) end
  66. function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_weapons_hot( called_reason ) end
  67. function GroupAIStateBase:on_gangster_weapons_hot( called_reason ) end
  68. function GroupAIStateBase:on_enemy_weapons_hot( is_delayed_callback ) end
  69. function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool() end
  70. if managers.hud then
  71. managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'Executed script.lua' } )
  72. for i=1, 7 do
  73. end
  74. PlayerDamage.get_real_armor = function(self)
  75. end
  76. function PlayerManager:remove_equipment_possession( peer_id, equipment ) end
  77. PlayerStandard._get_walk_headbob = function(self) return 0 end
  78. PlayerStandard._can_stand = function(self) return true end
  79. PlayerManager.remove_equipment = function(self, equipment_id) end
  80. PlayerManager.selected_equipment_deploy_timer = function(self) return 0 end
  81. PlayerManager.chk_minion_limit_reached = function(self) return false end
  82. PlayerManager.spread_multiplier = function(self) return 0 end
  83. PlayerMovement.is_stamina_drained = function(self) return false end
  84. PlayerStandard._can_run_directional = function(self) return true end
  85. BaseInteractionExt._has_required_upgrade = function(self) return true end
  86. BaseInteractionExt._has_required_deployable = function(self) return true end
  87. BaseInteractionExt._get_timer = function(self) return 0 end
  88. BaseInteractionExt.can_interact = function(self, player) return true end
  89. managers.money:_add_to_total(666666666) -- money
  90. -- Message on screen
  91. managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'LUA script loaded! Complete the mission to see effect.' } )
  92. --END
  93. managers.skilltree:_set_points(1000) -- skill points
  94. -- Message on screen
  95. managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'LUA script loaded! Complete the mission to see effect.' } )
  96. local wep_arr = {
  97. 'glock_17',
  98. 'r870',
  99. 'amcar',
  100. 'olympic',
  101. 'akm',
  102. 'saiga',
  103. 'aug',
  104. 'p90',
  105. 'deagle',
  106. 'colt_1911',
  107. 'serbu',
  108. 'b92fs',
  109. 'saw'
  110. if not managers.upgrades:aquired(name) then
  111. end
  112. --Fast Drilling
  113. function TimerGui:_set_jamming_values() return end
  114. timer = 0.01
  115. self:_set_jammed( false )
  116. end
  117. if not self._powered then
  118. return
  119. return
  120. if managers.network:session() then
  121. managers.network:session():send_to_peers_synched( 'start_timer_gui', self._unit, timer )
  122. end
Atvaark at github made this, And I give a little editing
The [Link] by Atvaark (luckily bookmark this)Bag
The [Link] of some cheats by me. (part 2 coming up, maybe)
Payday 2 Bag Spawner Modthis table can be used to:
1. add effect (spell missile, Movesets, and action speed) to your attacks by the help of pointers
2. customize your currently equipped weapons and armor ( stance, damage, durability, block percentage, effects)
3. Edit your enemy (ex: make it stagger everytime you hit it), your move speed, jump height, etc
4. Modify inventory (Change Item, add item, etc)
5. added effect and movesets can be applied to a script (still don't know how to, but Atvaark already make Heihachi movesets for fist weapon)
6. A lot of tweaking scripts (Ghost mode, no stagger, immune to all debuff, etc)

Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod 1.12.2

7. Resurrect a NPC (This never works for me, maybe I was doing it wrong, back up your save before killing an NPC)
Updated 04/05/2020 (sorry, just checked the GitHub page):Changelog
-Added HP Min Offset
-Added “Replenishment [Phantom Color]” from previous tables versions (not made by me)
-Mapped some offsets for easier reading
-Added offset +74 (Parry Multiplier) under [Equipped Weapon]
-Added WeaponTypeParam Helper
-Added ChrNetworkPhantom Helper

How to use this cheat table?

Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod 1.8

Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod Spawner

  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1